Virtual library frequently asked questions

Virtual Library FAQs

• What is the "Virtual Library"?
The Virtual Library is a collective name for the range of online resources offered by the IET library.  Access to these resources is free for IET members of all categories and they can be accessed worldwide, 24/7 via the Virtual Library page on the IET website.
Pile of books falling onto a computer screen  
• What resources are available on the Virtual Library?
The Virtual library offers ebooks from Dawsonera, Knovel and Wiley as well as a wide range of electronic journals and business information from EBSCO.

• How can I find relevant resources on the Virtual Library?
The most efficient way to search the Virtual Library is to use the EBSCO Discovery portal, a link for which can be found at the top of the Virtual Library page. EBSCO Discovery is a powerful search tool which allows users to search the entire range of electronic resources. You can search using keywords, titles and use other criteria such as publication date to narrow your search. If you want to browse the resources from a specific supplier (eg Wiley) it is also possible to view and search each of the resources on the Virtual Library individually.

• How do I access the Virtual Library
You need to have registered on the IET website and received a username and password. You will then use these credentials each time you wish to use the Virtual Library.
• Does the IET library offer any other electronic resources?
In addition to the resources in the Virtual Library, we also subscribe to IEEExplore, a range of standards from BSI, the IET Digital library and INSPEC. However, these resources are only accessible in the IET Knowledge Centre at Savoy Place. Pile of books on top of PC and mouse on top of books  

 • How can I get further assistance in using the Virtual Library?
If you need any assistance in using the Virtual Library, please contact us via email or by telephone +44 20 7344 5461.