
Scope: Increasing information content is an important scientific problem in modern observation systems development. Radar imaging can be used for this purpose. This new book focuses on holography and tomography for quasimonochromatic and broadband signals, and provides a detailed coverage of the basic physical methods, inverse problems and mathematical principles.

About the Authors
Alexander Ja Pasmurov is currently Deputy Director of ESB Company, St Petersburg. Julius S Zimoviev is currently Principal Scientist at the Research Centre of the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense, St Petersberg.

Book readership

Aimed at Radar engineers and researchers

Book contents

Preface. Basic Concepts of Radar Imaging. Methods of Radar Imaging. Quasi - Holographic and Holographic Radar Imaging of Point Targets on the Earth Surface. Imaging Radars and Partially Coherent Targets. Radar Systems for Rotating Target Imaging: A Holographic Approach Radar Systems for Rotating Target Imaging: A Tomographic Approach. Imaging of Targets Moving in a Straight Line. Phase Errors and Improvement of Image Quality. Radar Imaging Application. References.

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