
Over the last decade there have been major advances in the characterisation of amorphous silicon for use in solar cells, TFT liquid crystal displays, photodetectors, LEDs and xerograpic devices. Much has changed since the last EMIS book on thus substance (Properties of Amorphous Silicon, 2nd Edition, 1989): researchers have succeeded in dispelling much of the uncertainty about its behaviour and the associated models, so that engineers are better able to exploit it.

This volume distills the essential knowledge of the properties, preparation and exploitation of the much-studied material. To do this Dr Searle has pooled the expertise of some 44 specialists from Europe, the USA and Japan who are actively engaged in work on or with amorphous silicon.

Despite the number and diversity of contributing sources the data are presented in a homogeneous, structured format. The book should serve as a useful reference for all those who study, prepare, process or use a-Si and its main alloys of technological interest.

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