
Scope: This book provides an introduction to trusted computing technology and its applications. As computers are increasingly embedded and wireless connected, security becomes imperative. This has resulted in the development of the notion of a ‘trusted platform’, the main feature of which is the possession of a trusted hardware element capable of checking all or part of the software running on this platform. This new book introduces recent technological developments in trusted computing, and surveys the various current approaches to providing trusted platforms. The book includes application examples which are based on recent and ongoing research.

About the Editor
Professor Chris Mitchell is currently Professor of Computer Science at Royal Holloway, University of London, UK. Prior to his appointment he was Project Manager in the Networks and Communications Laboratory of Hewlett-Packard Laboratories in Bristol, UK.

Book readership

Industry researchers working on application of trusted computing. Post graduate students of security and computer security, on courses on security, ubiquitous computing, mobile computing etc.

Book contents

What is Trusted Computing? Concepts of Trusted Computing. An Overview of Trusted Computing Technology. An Overview of NGSCB. The DAA Scheme in Context. Single Sign-On using TCG-Conformant Platforms. Secure Delivery of Conditional Access Applications to Mobile Receivers. Enhancing User Location Privacy using Trusted Computing. Certificate Management using Distributed Trusted Third Parties. Securing Peer-to-Peer Networks using Trusted Computing. The Future of Trusted Computing: An Outlook

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