There are some known issues with security and advert-blocking software affecting the Institution web site. The examples below are based on reported problems and testing with Norton Internet Security, but should also help with solving problems caused by similar software.
This is a result of cookies being blocked. To solve this problem, please use the Web Assistant toolbar icon or the advanced settings to allow to set cookies (please read our main login problems help page if this does not resolve your problem).
This is a result of the site's section banners being mistakenly identified as adverts. To solve this problem, please use the Web Assistant toolbar icon or the advanced settings to disable advert blocking for then hold down Ctrl and press R to re-load the page.
This is a result of one of the JavaScript files used to build the menu at the top of the page being mistakenly identified as an attempt to launch a pop-up advert. To solve this problem, please use the Web Assistant toolbar icon or the advanced settings to disable pop-up blocking for then hold down Ctrl and press R to re-load the page.
This is a result of content being mistakenly identified as advertising-related. As before, this can be solved using the Web Assistant toolbar or the advanced settings.
This has been reported by some users but cannot be reproduced in testing. Some users have solved this by stopping and re-starting their security software.</>
These services rely on referrer information to know that a user has come via the IET. Norton Internet Security blocks this by default. To be able to use these services, please use your Privacy Controls and disable "Browser Privacy".