Below is a list common questions related to IET website registrations.
How do I register an account?
Why should I register on the IET website?
Help with choosing a password
The website will not let me register a new account as it says I have already registered.
What is the difference between a member and non member account?
I am a member with a non-member account. Can I convert my account?
What extra facilities does a member account give me?
At the top of each screen there is a 'Welcome: please log in' link. Use this link to open a log-in panel that also has a 'Register an account' link which you can then use to open the website registration form.
If you are a member of the IET and you have your membership number to hand then you can register a member account. For a reminder of your membership details, please contact the IET Member and Customer Service Department.
IET Members should answer 'yes' to 'Are you a member of the IET' when using the registration form. If you already have a non-member account but you are a member, please contact the IET webmaster.
(Please note that it is not currently possible for you to directly convert a non member account to a member account).
If you are not a member of the IET you can still register to use the site; but please answer 'no' to 'Are you a member of the IET' when using the registration form.
If you register then you will have access to pdf versions of the technical articles within the Technical Professional Networks, You will also have access to My IET which you can have your personalised view of the IET and its services.
Members will also have access to Career Manager, full access to all news content and back issues of IET online magazines, along with Engineering Communities for networking and discussions.
You can also select from a wide variety of newsletters. These include communications related to our products and services as well as technical news and features.
Your password must have at least 12 characters, containing both uppercase and lowercase letters, at least two numbers, at least one special character such as printable punctuation marks and must not contain your username, name or email address. If you see an error message, please do read this as it explains the cause of the problem and recommended course of action. For example, the password form will reject entries that are too short, or don’t contain any numbers.
There is a password reset / username reminder facility on the website where you can request a username reminder or reset your password.
If your e-mail address has changed from the one that you have registered on the website, then you should contact the IET Webmaster for assistance. Please include as much information as possible e.g. surname, old e-mail address, and if you are a member, please include your membership number and date of birth.
Members have full access to all news content and back issues of IET online magazines. They also have access to members services e.g. Career Manager, Library services. Member can also manage their IET membership online and receive a members discount in the Shop.
Unfortunately it is not currently possible for members to convert a non member account to a member account. If you already have a non member account but you are an IET member, please contact the IET webmaster.
Members have full access to all news content and back issues of IET online magazines. They also have access to members services e.g. Career Manager, Library services. Member can also manage their IET membership online and receive a members' discount in the Shop.